Borderland Update: Haitians in Del Río

Borderland Update: Haitians in Del Río

The Rev. Canon Lee Curtis, Canon to the Ordinary, Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande

In this week’s borderland update, The Rev. Canon Lee Curtis, Canon to the Ordinary for the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande, shares the news this past week of approximately 15,000 Haitian immigrants arriving in the town of Del Río. To hear Lee speak about the patterns of immigration, how RGBM is showing up, and how you can make an impact, watch the full borderland update.

We hope you had the chance to watch the video in our last newsletter announcing our parish partnership program! We look forward to walking alongside you as you discern your call to welcome the stranger and support the work of RGBM. Questions? Connect with our project coordinator Nellie Fagan ( Click the button below to learn more about parish partnerships and download our sample covenant

RGBM Cycle of Prayer

Blessed Lord......You are no stranger to the events that are happening in Afghanistan and Haiti. Your word tells us that you are near to those who are broken-hearted, and we trust in that. There are so many around the world that are broken-hearted over the loss of homes and communities, family and service members, for the devastation that has taken away the livelihoods, and the familiar life rhythms and the dreams of so many. We mourn the loss of these good things that you had bestowed and we trust that you will again pour out your goodness where hope has been lost. We pray for supernatural healing and restoration over all of these devastatingly painful things so that joy would be seen and felt again. We pray for protection for those who are isolated, alone, and left behind, powerless to change their circumstances, and who remain in fear. May you make a way where there is no way. We pray for wisdom for our world leaders that the continued rescue and care for the vulnerable would be prioritized. We pray for the revival of Christlike welcome in our communities so that those who start over will not have to do so alone. We pray for peace that passes all understanding, that this comfort would ultimately draw people closer to you. May the power of your presence be felt like a warm blanket to those who have suffered and continue to suffer as they hide, rebuild, or resettle. May your unfailing love be with us and the people of Afghanistan and Haiti as we put our hope for restoration and new life in You. Amen.

As we heard stories this week of children in detention being mistreated and allies still in Afghanistan, our hearts burst wide open. May we spend time in lament. May we grieve with those who grieve. Then, let’s ask God how to respond to needs that seem overwhelming—one step at a time.

As negotiations on budget and policies continue in Congress, we pray for those across the aisle from each other to work together for the common good. We pray for Dreamers, those holding Temporary Protected Status, and any others in the process of seeking permanent legal residency. May God comfort them while they wait and provide solutions for them.

Lord Jesus, teach us how to love one another as Christ has first loved us. As we represent different Christian expressions, keep us from doing anything out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. As we learn to work together as the body of Christ, enable us in our interactions to have hearts of humility, placing others before ourselves. May our diversity lead others to see the love of God which motivates us. Amen. - The Salvation Army, Prayer for Christian Unity

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